Wonderful Italy

Exploring Italy via our travels — places, people, things…

Cookies, Italian style….

Italy is famous for its biscotti, cantucci and so many other delictables. However, the cookies in the supermarkets are not bad either. While browsing for just the right thing the other day we found what we wanted, a package of Galleti con granelli di zucchero (Mulino Bianco brand).  These are just shortbread type cookies sprinkled with large sugar crystals.  But they are pretty good ones, with less fat than is typical in cookies in north America.  What was pleasantly mind-boggling was this — on the side of the box, nicely written out for the customer, was a note to this effect: “like these cookies? Here is the recipe, you can make them at home…” and it gave the full recipe.  A great counter-capitalist touch. Grazie to Mulino Bianco!

April 18, 2007 - Posted by | Food and Drink

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